To Come to Church
At the centre of our Sunday gatherings is the Eucharist, with a sermon of around 10 minutes.
We love the beauty of the rituals, but we are also relaxed and understand that not everyone is familiar with how we do things, and that we all worship in different ways.
We don’t assume anyone will know when to stand or sit, or expect everyone to follow along with all the words.
Our hope is that all those in our congregation are able to meet with God in a way that is authentic and moves them to go out into the world at the end of the service feeling equipped, challenged and comforted.
We have two services on a Sunday, 8 am using the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer (said service with traditional language and no hymns) and 10 am following Common Worship (which includes hymns and a choir).
We usually have refreshments after the 10 am service and all are warmly invited to stay. People of all ages are welcome to explore the Church, with some of the younger ones often using the time to explore or run around the church!
We also have services during the week - see our when we gather page for more details.