Parish News

Here you will find updates from the Parish of Paignton.

For more information about the weekly activities check out the PEW Sheet (found on the top banner) or read our in touch magazine for monthly updates.

Please note: Records on this page go back to October 2021.


Advent and Christmas at the Parish

25th December 2024

The festive season at the Parish of Paignton kicked off with the return of the ‘Breakfast with the Bible’ for this Advent. With teas, coffees, and toast in hand, members of the congregation discussed the Sunday Gospel reading with Father Neil and Reverang Laura. It was a great way to start a Sunday morning, and prepare for Christmas!

Of course, we also had our ‘Wine and Wisdom’ Christmas Quiz on Saturday 7th December, filled with questions, conversation and refreshments (including wine!). This was followed by our Christmas Coffee & Craft Morning with raffle where a range of craft activities suitable for all ages were beautifully made. Some were taken on the day, but many were left at Church on our peace tree to be displayed and picked up on Christmas Eve after our Family Crib Service at 3 pm.

We were also delighted to welcome 3 schools and the Sea Scouts from the Parish for their Nativity and Christmas Performances this year.

It was also great to see so many at our Christmas services, starting with our Carols by Candlelight service on Friday 20th December, which continued the festive spirit with a beautifully decorated and lit church. On Christmas Eve, we had our Family Crib Service, where we retold the Christmas Story with a live reenactment; and our Midnight Mass where we welcomed the birth of Christ in the early hours of Christmas Day. The celebrations continued with our Family Eucharist at 10 am today on Christmas Day.

Thank you to all those who helped us to make this Christmas season special this year. To see more of our Christmas celebrations check out the photos below.

From all the ministry team and the PCC of Paignton Parish, may we wish you, and all those whom you love and care for, a most joyful, peaceful and prosperous Christmas season, with every blessing for 2025 and safe travels for those visiting family and friends.


Harvest ThanksGiving Serivce

The Parish of Paignton celebrated Harvest this Sunday with a Harvest Thanksgiving Service at St John’s.

Today, the Parish came together at St John’s to celebrate harvest with a thanksgiving service. During the service, members of the congregation had the opportunity to bring up food items, which will be donated to the Paignton Food Larder.

To celebrate harvest, the church was also filled with beautiful harvest-themed flower displays created by the flower arranging team, which provided an excellent atmosphere and space of worship for the Harvest Thanksgiving.

If you would like to join our Flower arranging team, please get in touch with the Parish Office.


Summer has begun! summer fayre at the parish


On Saturday 22nd June we had our Summer Fayre, 11 am to 3 pm in the Vicarage Garden. Supported by the good weather, the event was a great success starting with the bell ringing at 11 am. The event included various stalls, activities and games, such as toys, plants, books, and craft stalls run by local people. Games and activities include the golf game, whack-a-rat, an egg and spoon race, tug of war, and throwing wet sponges at people in the stocks, which is always a favourite! There was also a range of food and drink available throughout the day including hot dogs and burgers from the BBQ and ice cream, a great way to celebrate the summer season!

It was great to see so many people attend the event, and a big thank you to everyone who made last week’s Summer Fayre a wonderful event, it would not be possible without your support! We raised just over £1,700 before costs for the parish funds which is fantastic and we hope everyone enjoyed this event as much as we did!

To see more check out the photos below!


Laying of the Burma Standard in the parish


On Sunday 16th June, the Parish welcomed members of the Burma Star Association, the Royal British Legion, cadets, and local dignitaries to commemorate the laying up of the Burma Star Standard at St John’s. The Standard will now remain at St Johns, a symbol for those who served during the Burma Campaign during World War II, 80 years ago.

It was great to see so many people attend the service, and it is a privilege and honour to receive the standard, which is now proudly displayed in the All-Saints Chapel.


churchwarden, John, receives the order of st boniface


On Sunday 9th June, our Churchwarden John received the order of St Boniface, an award which honours people from the Church who have made an outstanding contribution to the life of the Church in Devon. John has worked tirelessly for the Parish as churchwarden over the last few years and we are grateful for all his hard work and dedication in supporting the church and the community. It was great to celebrate his achievement of joining the company of St Boniface at a service in Exeter Cathedral. Very well deserved!



Alleluia! He is Risen – Holy Week and Easter at the Parish of Paignton

This year, the Parish of Paignton held a range of services for Holy week and Easter, starting with Compline and Reflection services from Monday to Wednesday, followed by a Maundy Thursday service and the watch.

On Good Friday, the Parish of Paignton united with other churches in the Paignton Church family for a Good Friday Service at 10:30 am in Palace Avenue Gardens, followed by the Last Hour service in the afternoon. To End Holy week, the Easter Vigil, Service of Light and the first Eucharist of Easter was held on Saturday evening.

Easter Sunday started extra early this year with the clocks going back. Starting at 6:15 am at Paignton Beach, the Parish celebrated the risen Lord with a dawn service, continued with breakfast at the Coverdale Centre providing fellowship and celebration. The Easter Sunday then continued with services at both St John’s and St Boniface to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and life everlasting.

It was great to see so many people at the events and services this year in the Parish and a big thank you to all of those who helped us make this Easter season special this year. To see more of our Easter and Holy Week services and events check out the photos below.


16th March 2024

From  Paignton to Jerusalem – 2,936 miles complete and £7,000 raised!

The final parish walk, a cream tea – now that’s what I call a celebratory finish!

On Saturday 16th March, the parish came together to continue to raise funds for our Give to Go Green Project with the third and final parish walk and a cream tea celebration (see photos below). A definite welcome sight for those who had participated in the walk!

During the cream tea, the miles were added up and it was revealed that we had completed the virtual walk of 2,936 miles to reach Jerusalem. A huge congratulations and thank you to those who took part by walking, cycling and/or swimming… We did it!

Thank you also to those who sponsored, donated and joined us at one or more of our many events. We couldn’t have completed our challenges and fund raising goal without your support!

For more information on the project, the walks and events, please visit:


9th March 2024

Give to go Green Quiz Night!

It was great to see so many people join us on Saturday 9th March for our  ‘wine and wisdom’ quiz night in aid of our Give to Go Green Project. Keeping to the green theme, we had questions ranging from people, places and food to the environment as well as some classic potluck questions…. Everyone not only had fun, but also learnt something new, like did you know that out of all the water on Earth, less than 1% water is available for human use?

Thank you to everyone who supported and attended the event, we raised over £450. For more details on the project including our last Parish Walk and Cream Tea event, please visit the Give to Go Green webpage.

If you would like to donate and support us, you can do so here:


2nd March 2024

Give to Go Green Parish Walk 2 - What another great adventure!

On Saturday, we headed out on our second parish walk around Galmpton and Greenway as part of the Parish Pilgrimage to virtually reach the Holy Land by walking/cycling/swimming 2,936 miles for our Give to Go Green Project.

Starting at Windy Corner into Galmpton and down to the creek, up and around Greenway for some incredible views, and then back to Galmpton, and up to conclude back at Windy Corner. Although a little muddy and starting with the occasional rain shower, it was great to see so many people join us on the adventure!

To see more of the adventure, see the photos below, and if you are interested – why not join us for our final walk on Saturday 16th March, which will be followed by a Cream Tea to celebrate?

For more details on the project and our events including our Quiz Night this Saturday at 7:30 pm, please visit the Give to Go Green webpage.

If you would like to donate and support us, you can do so here:


24th February 2024

Give to Go Green Project - First Walk Complete!

Today was the first of our parish walks as we aim to virtually reach the Holy Land by walking/cycling/swimming 2,936 miles to raise funds for our Give to Go Green Project. Starting at Paignton Parish Church, we walked down to Paignton Beach, through Hollicombe woods, to Occombe Farm, and then back down to church – a good several miles!

It was a great day out, enjoying the amazing natural landscape of Torbay (see photos below if you don’t believe us!), and thank you to all who joined us or gave us a thought or prayer for the first walk.

We will be undertaking two more walks as well as holding a Quiz night and a Cream Tea celebration (more details on the events can be found on the Give to Go Green webpage.

Additionally, if you would like to support us by donating, please visit:


Christmas 2023 at the Parish of Paignton

The Parish of Paignton celebrated Christmas and the coming of Jesus with several Christmas-themed events and services.

It was great to see so many individuals at the events and services this year in the Parish.

The festive season began with an advent service at St Boniface and a series of ‘Breakfast with the Bible’ meetings in the Coverdale Centre each Sunday morning to discuss and explore the gospel as we prepare for Christmas.

Events such as the ‘Wine and Wisdom’ Christmas Quiz (7th December) and Christmas Fayre (9th December) provided great excitement for the Christmas season, with lots of laughter, fun for all, and even an appearance of Father Christmas at the Fayre.

From the 16th December until the 29th December, the parish presents the annual Christmas Tree Festival, where businesses, organisations, and individuals sponsor trees displayed around St John’s (Paignton Parish Church).

We also held many services this year at both St Boniface and St John’s, all offering sharing the light of Jesus and spreading the message of hope. Services included a live-action retelling for all the family, carol services by candlelight, and a crib, carol, and communion service. St Boniface had a door to door carols with some of the messy church congregation traveling to different houses in the Foxhole area sharing the good news of the coming of the Christ child.

Thank you to all those who helped us to make this Christmas season special this year. To see more of our Christmas celebrations check out the photos below.

From all the ministry team and the PCC of Paignton Parish may we wish you, and all those whom you love and care for, a most joyful, prosperous, and peaceful Christmas season, with every blessing for 2024 and safe travels for those visiting family.


We will remember them…. Remembrance Event and Service at the Parish

On Saturday 28th October, the Parish Branch of the Royal British Legion held their Royal Poppy Appeal Concert at St John’s (Paignton Parish Church). The concert was well attended with 110 people enjoying the live music.

On Sunday 12th November, the Parish of Paignton held a Remembrance Sunday Service at St John’s to commemorate those sacrifices and those in service. Joined by members of the Paignton Branch of the Royal British Legion, active and retired service personnel, and the public, the congregation united with people and congregations across the nation through the 2-minute silence at 11 am.

The service also included readings from two individuals, a father and son, one currently in active service and the other retired from active service. Around the church, displays were created specifically for Remembrance Sunday.

It was wonderful to see so many people at the Poppy Appeal Concert and the Remembrance Sunday Service and thank you to everyone who was involved in making this commemorative time so special. If you missed joining us at these events, there are a few photos of the events and displays for you to view in the photo gallery below.


Harvest Festivals and Celebrations

The Parish of Paignton celebrated this October with two harvest-themed events, the Harvest Thanksgiving celebrations at St John’s and a Harvest Fest at St Boniface.

On Sunday 1st October, the congregations from St Boniface and St John’s came together at St John’s to celebrate the harvest with an all-aged service at Paignton Parish Church, with worship and music led by St Boniface. The church was filled with beautiful harvest-themed flower displays at St John’s, which provided an excellent atmosphere and space of worship for the Harvest Thanksgiving. During the service, the congregation has the opportunity to bring up food items to donate and share.

Following the service, the Coverdale Centre hosted many of the parish’s congregation for a two-course lunch including a crumble for dessert and accompanied by a selection of wine or juice. The lunch was a great celebration, full of good food, chatter, and fellowship.

On Saturday 14th October, St Boniface continued the celebrations with a Harvest-themed festival from 1 pm-4 pm with a live magician, various stalls including jewelry, cake, and face painting; as well as games and activities including a ring toss, an apple pie contest, and flowers on the clock (flower arranging race). There was also food available including soup and jacket potatoes with fillings including cheese and beans and tuna mayo.  

It was great to see so many people at our different events this harvest and thank you to everyone who was involved in all the different events, services, and displays at both churches. If you missed joining us at these events, there are a few photos of the events and displays for you to view in the photo gallery below.

 To see more information on future events by the Parish of Paignton, check out our event page or our Facebook page.  


24th September 2023

Father Neil becomes the new Chaplin for the Paignton branch of the Royal British Legion

The Paignton branch of the Royal British Legion joined us at Paignton Parish Church to celebrate the inauguration as their new Chaplin.

It was a delight to see so many of the legion join the Parish for a special service on Sunday 24th September, as Father Neil was welcomed as the new Chaplin for the Paignton branch of the Royal British Legion. Following the regular Sunday Eucharist, a short notice by Major Ron Goodwin, branch president was read by Branch chairman Ged Sarsfield at the end of the service to inaugurate Father Neil as the new chaplain with the blessing and presentation of a new stole. The service then followed with cake and conversation to celebrate.


Men’s Breakfast

On Saturday 8th July, the Men’s breakfast was held at Paignton Rugby, Football, and Cricket Club, a great opportunity for men across Torbay from different Christian denominations to get together over a fantastic English Breakfast. After breakfast, the group heard from a guest speaker who talked about how God works in prisons, and it was very insightful to hear how the light of Christ can shine into the darkest areas of human life.  

The next men’s breakfast is scheduled for October, so keep an eye on our event calendar for future details.  


Fantastic Fun at the summer fayre!

In glorious sunshine, the Parish of Paignton (St John the Baptist and St Boniface) held their summer fayre from 11 am to 4 pm on Saturday 25th June. The fayre kicked off at 11 am with the bells being rung by our fantastic bell ringers, and various stalls for people to explore including toys, plants, books, the Outlook Shop, and crafts. Games and activities included the golf game, splat-a-rat, horse racing, an egg and spoon race, a tug of war, a treasure hunt, and throwing wet sponges at people in the stocks - a great idea if you were looking to cool down! There was also a range of food and drink available throughout the day including hot dogs and burgers from the BBQ and of course ice cream, fantastic for a hot summer’s day!

It was great to see so many people attend the event, and a big thank you to everyone who made this year’s Summer Fayre a wonderful event, it would not be possible without your support! We raised just over £2,000 before costs for the parish funds which is fantastic and we hope everyone enjoyed this event as much as we did!

To see more of the event, check out the images below!


The South Devon Choir At Paignton Parish Church

On Saturday 10th July, South Devon Choir hosted a singing workshop and concert at Paignton Parish Church and was in aid of Rowcroft Hospice. The rehearsal and workshop was attended by approximately 50 individuals from a couple of different choirs as well as members of our own congregation. The evening concert was well attended with over 120 people enjoying the singing and music from the church and organ.


4th June 2023

Celebration of St Boniface Patronal Festival

The Parish of Paignton celebrated the patron saint of St Boniface today with an all-ages service followed by lunch at St Boniface.

To celebrate the Patronal Festival of St Boniface, the Parish of Paignton held an all -aged service followed by lunch at the daughter church, St Boniface in Foxhole. Attended by many members of the parish congregation from St John’s and St Boniface, the all aged-service was led by Captain Jeff Hill and Father Neil, and included live music from the music band at St Boniface.

After the service, the congregation headed outside to bless the new Vegetable Garden and the Rose Memorial Bench Planters. The Vegetable Garden Team is currently led by Ken, with two gardening groups running on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It was great to see so many different vegetables in the garden which they will be harvesting and eating in the coming months. The new rose memorial bench planters are situated near the newly growing orchard by the peace garden is a great space for reflection.

Following the service, the celebrations continued with lunch of jacket potatoes with different toppings and a selection of desserts! It was wonderful to see so many people join in for the celebration and the lunch finished with a presentation on the recent changes in St Boniface. A big thank you to all of those who helped create such a fantastic celebration.

Today’s event also marked the final service performed by Captain Jeff Hill, who has led St Boniface for several years now and brought new life and renewed passion into the ministry up at St Boniface. He and his family have made a huge difference to the parish and we wish them all the best for the future. For those who would like to wish them luck and say goodbye, Captain Jeff and his family will be attending the 10 am service at St John’s on Sunday 2nd July.

To see more of the event and the work which has been taking place at St Boniface, have a look at the pictures below.


9th May 2023

Celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles III

With a Garden party and a brunch worthy of a King, the Coronation celebrations at the Parish of Paignton have been a fantastic weekend to bring people together and mark this joyous and special occasion.

The Parish’s celebrations of King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s coronation started at 2 pm on Sunday 7th May with a garden party in the Vicarage Garden. Tables and the garden were decorated with Union Jack flags, people brought their own picnics, gathered in groups around the garden, and could also enjoy some refreshments with a special Coronation cake cut with a sword by the Vicar! Live music and a coronation quiz were available throughout the afternoon which finished around 5 pm.

Following the garden party, the Parish also held a King’s Brunch at St Boniface on Monday 8th May with an all-you-can-eat breakfast for £4 for adults and half-price for children. It was great to see so many familiar and new faces at both of the events and a big thank you to all who were involved in the events on Sunday 7th and Monday 8th.

To see more of the event, have a look at our pictures below. 


12th April 2023

For He is Risen Alleluia! Holy Week and Easter with the Parish of Paignton

Waking up before dawn is not what everyone does on the Easter Weekend, but for those who attended the Parish of Paignton Easter Dawn Service,  the early start begins at 6 am on Paignton Beach by Paignton Pier….

For several years, the Parish of Paignton Easter Sunday has started before the sun rises with members of the congregation as well as members of the public coming together for a dawn service on Paignton Beach in celebration of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection. The service continued the celebration and fellowship with breakfast at the Coverdale Centre, with cooked breakfast, hot and cold drinks, and friendly chatter. The Easter Sunday then continued with services at both St John’s and St Boniface to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and life everlasting.

In the run-up to the Easter Sunday services, the Parish of Paignton also held several different services and events including Compline and Reflection services at the start of the week, followed by the Maundy Thursday service and the watch. On Good Friday, the Parish of Paignton came together for the stations of the cross service, the walk of witness around Paignton town center, and then the Last Hour service in the afternoon. This was then followed by the first Eucharist of Easter on Saturday evening, the Easter Vigil, Service of Light.

It was great to see so many people at the events and services this year in the Parish and a big thank you to all of those who helped us make this Easter season special this year. To see more of our Easter and Holy Week services and events check out the photos below.


The Parish’s Christmas Celebrations 2022

Decorated with Christmas lights, greenery, and candles, this year’s Christmas at the Parish of Paignton was a fantastic celebration with several Christmas-themed events at St Boniface and St John’s including Christmas Fayres and a Christmas-themed ‘Wine and Wisdom’ Quiz Night as well as the return of the Christmas Tree Festival at St John’s. With 24 Christmas Trees sponsored and decorated by different individuals, organisations, and businesses, the Christmas Tree Festival welcomed into the church and the festive spirit. The festival also included a prayer tree, where people could write messages, prayers, or thoughts and add these to the tree.  

There were various services this year including Advent and Christmas carol services, various Crib services including crib building and a live-action retelling of the Christmas Story, Midnight Mass, and the Christmas Day 10 am service to celebrate the coming of Christ. Christingle services were also held, providing another way of sharing the light of Jesus and spreading the message of hope by supporting the Children’s Society.  The Parish also hosted many local school carol services and we were delighted to see so many children and parents in church.

It was great to see so many people at the events and services this year in the Parish and a big thank you to all of those who helped in making all of this possible. We would like to give special thanks to the choir who sang fantastically at all the carol services and especially the Coral Director, Harriet Oakley who is sadly leaving us at the end of 2022.

From all the ministry team and the PCC of Paignton Parish may we wish you, and all those whom you love and care for, every blessing for 2023. You are all welcome to join us at any of our services at either St John’s or at St Boniface.

To see more of our Christmas celebrations take a look at the photos below.


Tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II

Credit: Press Association

Paignton Parish records its deep sadness at the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Her Majesty steadfastly witnessed to the Christian Faith for just over seventy years as monarch and administered the responsibilities as our nation's head of state dutifully and without complaint in that time. We are all poorer for Her Majesty's death and we offer our heartfelt prayers for the repose of Her Majesty's soul and for all those who mourn across this nation, the nations of the Commonwealth and indeed all the nations of the world. We ask that God will make his presence known to the Royal Family at this time of grieving.

The Parish church of St. John will be open from 8 am - 7 pm daily until the day of Her Majesty’s funeral for you to contribute to the Torbay book of condolence and light a candle in thanksgiving for the life of our late Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth II. There is also a location to lay flowers where a candle will remain lit until the day of the funeral. All are most welcome to express their sorrow in these traditional forms.

To sign the book of condolences in remembrance of HM Queen Elizabeth II, please click here.

To watch the Archbishop of Canterbury statement on the death of the queen, please click here.


May your gracious servant, Elizabeth, know your mercy and may her soul rest in peace and rise in glory.

Pour your grace upon your servant, Charles our King, that he may know your ways and glorify your name in all he does.

God save the King and the Queen Consort.



  • Sunday 11th September at 6 pm - A Service of Prayer and Reflection remembering her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • Thursday 15th September at 7.30 pm – A Special Commemoration Service Marking the Death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Supported by South Devon Choir


Saturday at the Summer Fayre

Thank you, Lord for bringing the sunshine

On Saturday 25th June, our summer fayre opened at 11 am. Despite the initial rain, the weather remained dry throughout the majority of the day and with the sunshine, we had a great turnout. The church bells were rung by our amazing bell ringers to open the fayre and people booked onto Bell Tower tours starting from 11:30 am. Live music in the garden started with relaxing Jazz provided by Audrey, followed by music from the Church Worship Band.

At 1 pm, we had live music from the band, Retromates, followed by a wonderful dance display from Torbay Dance School. This was followed by a drill display from the Sea Cadets, and fayre goers were invited to join in the drill. Many people accepted the challenge to join in including Father Neil and Kevin Foster, the Member of Parliament for Torbay.

This was followed by the crown competition, followed up with announcements of raffle winners, ‘guess the dog breed’. As part of our engagement with local schools pupils from Curledge Street and Kings Ash Academy had been invited to take part in a colouring competition. Winners of this competition were announced and received a £5 gift voucher. The band, Retromates played us out to finish the fayre until 4 pm.

Stalls included toys, new to you (second-hand clothing), plants, books, cakes and bakes, food (and drink), Pimm’s bar, bric-a-brac and the Outlook shop. We also had various games and activities including tug of war and the golf game!

It was great to see so many people attending and a big thank you to everyone who made last week’s Summer Fayre possible. We raised an amount of just under £1,700 for the parish funds, which is fantastic, and we hope everyone enjoyed this event.

See below our photos of the event and don’t forget to check out other events happening in the Parish of Paignton or in our wider community!


Key News from 19th June PEw Sheet

Summer Fayre - Only one week to go till our Summer Fayre on Saturday 25th June. There are lots of exciting things to do, so please do make time to come along to play the games; put Fr Neil in the stocks for a soaking, enjoy a cream tea or BBQ burger whilst listening to the entertainment or enjoy a refreshing glass of Pimm’s.

Outlook Shop: Help Needed - We urgently need volunteers to help staff some shifts in our charity shop on Palace Avenue which, plays a vital role in funding church activities. Recent illness means we can only open 7 of our normal 12 shifts. Please speak to Elaine on 01803 400553 if you think you can help, even if only for a limited period.

Glastonbury Pilgrimage - Why not join the group heading up to the Glastonbury pilgrimage on the 9th of July by car. Please speak to Joyce Cappello for more details.

Update from Father Neil - Fr Neil is away at the Exeter diocese clergy conference from Monday 20th to Friday 24th June and so it may take a while to respond to some requests. Please email him or contact the parish office for all non-urgent requests.

Queen’s Jubilee Commemorative Booklet: Please speak to Fr. Neil if you have not yet received a commemorative booklet and would like one.

The Haven Torbay - Volunteers are urgently needed to help in all areas of this vital work in Paignton. If you are able to help and want more information please contact the Parish Administrator on 07915 736169 for further information or see the letter on the notice board in the front entrance of the church.

The South Devon Choir NHS Fundraiser

The Faure Requiem, a workshop and early evening public performance in memory of those affected and lost in the Pandemic, and in aid of Torbay and South Devon NHS Charitable Fund.

On Saturday 11th June 2022, South Devon Choir held a Faure Requiem performance in Paignton Parish Church to remember all those affected and been lost in the pandemic. The afternoon started with a singing workshop open to all singers at 2:30 pm. This was followed by an early evening public performance starting at 6 pm with the retiring collection in aid of Torbay and South Devon NHS Charitable Fund.


Weekly News for 24th April 2022

Sunday 24th April - 4 pm: Today in St John’s church at 4 pm we have a Spring Concert Performance of Pianists, Vocalists, Violinists and other instrumentalists – learners and professional musicians from Devon. Presented by music teachers of Devon with EPTA UK. All donations will proceed to the Parish Church. For more information contact: Ekaterina on 07505 884271

Confirmation Service: Please do try come along to our 10am parish service next week to both support and celebrate the Confirmation of five candidates from our parish in a service that will be led by the Bishop of Plymouth; tea and cake afterwards in the Coverdale Centre and vicarage lawn!

Sunday 1 st May – 7.30pm: The Pye Hill and District Male Voice Choir on tour from Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire are singing St John’s Parish Church at 7.30pm to raise funds for the RBL Poppy appeal. Do come along to hear the oldest male voice choir from the East Midlands. Admission by donation and light refreshments will be available.

Mid-week Lunches: If you are available why not invite someone to come along with you to our regular Wednesday morning lunches. They start around 11:50am immediately after the Eucharistic service at 11am. It would be great to have you join us to enjoy some lunch and fellowship.


Weekly News For 27th March 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 27th March 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Week: Leaflets outlining all the services and activities available during Holy week are available in church and also on posters on church noticeboards. Please do join in as much as you can to experience the full joy of reaching and celebrating Easter Day.

3rd April Whole Parish Service & AMP/APCM: On the 3rd April the whole parish will have a service at 10am at St Johns followed by the AMP/APCM where we review the proceedings of the 2021, elect Churchwardens and 2 new members of the PCC. Please speak to Fr. Neil if you would like to know more.

Easter Memorial Flowers: For the next few weeks there will be an opportunity to give a donation towards the cost of our Easter flowers in memory of loved ones. If you would like to do this, please fill in the form at the back of church. The names will be displayed in church over the Easter season. Gill Calvert.

Ukraine appeal: Thank you for all those who contributed to our Ukraine appeal last week which meant we were able to add a further £150 to the previous £875 we sent to the DEC appeal.

Confirmation: Can all candidates planning to be Confirmed on the 1st May confirm with Fr. Neil that he has their names recorded correctly


Weekly News For 13th March 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 13th March 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Lent Activities and Study: Details of all the activities you can join in through Lent are on a leaflet available in both our churches and back of this pew sheet. Holy Week activities will be published next week.

Outlook Shop: Urgently needs costume jewellery if you have any could you take it to the shop at 22 Palace Avenue, Paignton, or if collection is required, please ring Elaine 01803 400553. 

Ukraine Retiring Collection: More than 2.5 million people have fled their homes to escape the conflict in Ukraine. Heavy fighting, shelling and airstrikes across the country have had devastating consequences for ordinary people. Homes have been destroyed. Families have been separated. Lives have been lost. At Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, huge numbers of people are arriving with only what they can carry. Today we will have a retiring collection at parish services that will be sent to the DEC charity to assist in the provision of food, water, shelter and medical assistance.


Weekly News For 6th March 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 6th March 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Activities and Study: Details of all the activities you can join in through Lent are on a leaflet available from both our churches from today. Full details of the Lent leaflet and back of this pew sheet. Come along to whatever you are able to - bring a friend!

Outlook Shop: Urgently needs costume jewellery if you have any could you take it to the shop at 22 Palace Avenue, Paignton, or if collection required, please ring Elaine 01803 400553.

Ukraine Retiring Collection: More than a million people have fled their homes to escape the conflict in Ukraine. Heavy fighting, shelling and air strikes across the country have had devastating consequences for ordinary people. Homes have been destroyed. Families have been separated. Lives have been lost. At Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, huge numbers of people are arriving with only what they can carry. On Sunday 13th we will have a retiring collection at parish services that will be sent to the DEC charity to assist in the provision of food, water, shelter and medical assistance


Weekly News For 27th February 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 27th February 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Ash Wednesday - 2nd March: Please do join us at either of next week’s Ash Wednesday 11 am or 7 pm services to begin your journey into Lent. Both services enable you to receive the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.

Lent Activities and Study: Details of all the activities you can join in through Lent are on a leaflet available from both our churches from today. A reminder that ‘What Christians Believe’ starts next Saturday morning and ‘Breakfast with the Bible’ next Sunday morning. Full details of the Lent leaflet and back of this pew sheet. Come along to whatever you are able to - bring a friend!

World Day of Prayer: Friday 4th March 10.30 am at Torquay Central Church & Brixham Methodist Church


Weekly News For 13th February 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 13th February 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

Soup Lunches: If you are available why not invite someone to come along with you to our regular Wednesday morning soup lunches. They start around 11:50 am immediately after the Eucharistic service. It would be great to have you join us to enjoy some wonderful homemade soup and fellowship.

Lent Fellowship Discussions: Towards the Sunrise takes the theme of a journey and follows the disciples as they gradually become aware of the reality of the resurrection and what it means for them – and us. The dates are outlined below and sign-up sheets will come out in the coming weeks (to help plan the provision of sufficient booklets). Do join us for some or all sessions as listed on the back of the pew sheet.

Breakfast with the Bible: Come along to the Coverdale Centre on the five Sundays between 6th Mar-3rd Apr between 08:50-09:40 to delve deeper into the gospel set for that day with Fr Neil. Tea/coffee toast provided.

Confirmation Service: A Confirmation Service has been provisionally booked for Sunday the 1st of May with Bishop Nick. Anyone seeking to be Confirmed or Affirm their Baptismal Vows in this service please speak to Fr. Neil.  for more details.


Weekly News For 6th February 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 6th February 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

Lent Fellowship Discussions: Towards the Sunrise takes the theme of a journey and follows the disciples as they gradually become aware of the reality of the resurrection and what it means for them – and us. The dates are outlined below and sign-up sheets will come out in the coming weeks (to help plan provision of sufficient booklets). Do join us for some or all sessions as listed on the back of the pew sheet.

Breakfast with the Bible: Come along to the Coverdale Centre on the five Sundays between 6 th Mar-3 rd Apr between 08:50-09:40 to delve deeper into the gospel set for that day with Fr Neil. Tea/coffee toast provided.

Confirmation Service: A Confirmation Service has been provisionally booked for Sunday the 1st May with Bishop Nick. Anyone seeking to be Confirmed or Affirm their Baptismal Vows in this service please speak to Fr. Neil. Additionally, will be running three Emmaus preparation sessions on ‘What Christians Believe’ in the Coverdale Centre on Saturdays 5, 12 & 19th March between 10- 12noon to which, anyone is welcome to attend. Contact Fr. Neil for more details.

Parish Office and Contact Number: The parish office number is now 07915 736169 and will be manned 9 am to 12noon Mon-Fri. Note: 01803 551866 is now solely the landline telephone number for the Vicar.

Pew Sheet items: to include items or a prayer request for yourself or someone else please contact the parish office. Deadline 12noon Thursday.


Weekly News For 30th January 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 30th January 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

Confirmation Service: A Confirmation Service has been provisionally booked for Sunday 1st May with Bishop Nick. Anyone seeking to be Confirmed or Affirm their Baptismal Vows in this service please speak to Fr. Neil.  Additionally, will be running three Emmaus preparation sessions on ‘What Christians Believe’ in the Coverdale Centre on Saturdays 5, 12 & 19th March between 10-12noon which anyone is welcome to attend. Contact Fr. Neil for more details.

Lent Fellowship Discussions: Towards the Sunrise takes the theme of a journey and follows the disciples as they gradually become aware of the reality of the resurrection and what it means for them – and us. The dates are outlined below and sign-up sheets will come out in coming weeks (just to help plan provision of booklets). Do join us for some or all sessions as you can.

Tue: 8, 15, 22, 29 Mar & 5 Apr: St Boniface at 7.30pm

Wed: 9, 16, 23, 30 Mar & 6 Apr: St John’s at 12:30pm

Breakfast with the Bible: Come along to the Coverdale Centre on the five Sundays between 6Mar-3Apr between 08:50-09:40 to delve deeper into the gospel reading set for that day with Fr Neil. Tea/coffee toast provided.

Parish Office and Contact Number: The new contact number for the parish office is now 07915 736169 and will be manned 9am-12noon Mon-Fri. Note: the old redirect from 01803 551866 will cease 30th Jan 2022 when it will return to being the landline for the Vicar.


Weekly News For 23rd January 2022

Our Weekly News Sheet for 23rd January 2022 can now be accessed through the PEW Sheet page or by clicking here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Key INformation

Parish Office and Contact Number: The new contact number for the parish office is 07915 736169 and will be manned 9 am- 12noon Mon-Fri. Note: the old redirect from 01803 551866 will cease on 30th Jan 2022 when it will return to being the landline for the Vicar.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022: Continues on Monday 24th and-25th January. Prayers will take place at noon followed by soup and rolls at 12.30. Please find dates and locations on the Upcoming Events Page or this week’s PEW Sheet.

Confirmation Service: A Confirmation Service has been provisionally booked for Sunday 1st May with Bishop Nick. Anyone seeking to be Confirmed or Affirm their Baptismal Vows in this service please speak to Fr. Neil. Additionally, will be running three Emmaus preparation sessions on ‘What Christians Believe’ in the Coverdale Centre on Saturdays 5, 12 & 19th March between 10- 12noon which, anyone is welcome to attend. Again please speak to Fr. Neil for more details

Breakfast with the Bible: Come along to the Coverdale Centre on the five Sundays between 6Mar-3Apr between 08:50-09:40 to delve deeper into the gospel reading set for that day with Fr Neil. Tea/coffee toast provided.

Lent Fellowship Discussions: Planning is nearly complete for our 5 session friendly faith discussions. We plan to hold these on Tuesday Evenings at 7:30 pm at St Boniface and Wednesday at 12:30 pm at St John the Baptist. More details will be published on noticeboards and on the pew sheets in the coming weeks along with sign-up sheets (just to help plan the provision of booklets). Do join us for some or all sessions as you can.


Weekly News for 17th October 2021

Our Weekly News Sheet for 3rd October 2021 can now be accessed here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Useful Dates

Sunday 18th October: St John’s 2.30 pm Prayer Group

Sunday 31st October: St John’s 6 pm All Souls Service with anointing and prayer

Tuesday 9th November: St Boniface 12 pm (noon) Vintage Messy Church

Saturday 13th October: St John’s 10.15 am PCC Meeting

Key Information

All Souls: Our 6pm service on the 31st is a gentle service with reflective hymns and anthems. Please do invite those you know who have lost loved ones over the last 2 years as our records are incomplete. A list of names to be read in church is available and can be found in both churches to complete.

Wednesday Soup Lunch: A soup lunch after the service on Wednesdays will commence from the 27th of October; please speak to Fr Neil or the churchwardens if you are interested in helping get this underway.

Remembrance Sunday: Our uniformed service with the RBL this year will commence at 10.15 in church. Then, at 3 pm there will be a memorial wreath-laying at Palace Avenue Park & Memorial. Please note: Holy Communion at St John’s that day will just be the 8 am BCP service. There are other Holy Communion services available that morning for those unable to get early transport; at St Georges, Goodrington and St John’s, Torquay at 10.50 am.

St Andrew’s Church: We are clearing some of the final items from St Andrew’s church in readiness for the Bay Church renovations. There are items you might wish to acquire such as wooden pew chairs which we will post on the Paignton Parishes Facebook Page this week.

Send a Cow: This year, why not place one Christmas card to all your friends in church, on the noticeboard we will provide, and give the money you saved on cards and postage to our Christmas Send a Cow campaign? More details to follow.


Weekly News for 3rd October 2021

Our Weekly News Sheet for 3rd October 2021 can now be accessed here, with information on the readings, key information and dates for the diary!

Useful Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 5th October - 7 pm at St Cuthbert Mayne’s School with Bishop Robert “Next Steps” strategy to Deanery

Sunday 10th October - 10 am at St John’s for the Harvest Service

Saturday 16th October - 10:15 am at St John’s for the PCC Meeting

Sunday 17th October - 2:30 pm at St John’s for the Prayer Group

Sunday 31st October - 6 pm at St John’s for the All Souls Service with anointing and prayer

 Key Information

On the Weekly News Sheet, the readings are the same as last week. This is not a mistake, as last week we heard an update from the Through Faith Mission team rather than a full sermon on the reading which today will come from Revd John. The readings for the 18th Sunday after Trinity are also listed.

Harvest: We will be having a Harvest Service on the 10th October. Please bring tinned produce and dried goods along for the Paignton Community Larder and … bring a friend along to join in with those timeless hymns.

Wednesday Soup Lunch: We are looking to start a soup lunch after the service on Wednesdays commencing towards the end of October; please speak to Fr Neil or the church wardens if you are interested in helping get this underway.

Parish Magazine: The final monthly magazine is available for collection at the rear of church; we also hope to make it available on the website for download. When a communications group is formed it is hoped a replacement might emerge.

St Andrew’s Church: We will be shortly clearing some of the final items from St Andrew’s church in readiness for the Bay Church renovations including items such as wooden pew chairs which you may want to acquire; more details to follow please watch this space.


Monthly Parish Paper (October 2021)

This is our latest edition of the Parish Paper with a message from the Vicar, and information for the calendar and readings for the month.

There is also answers for last month’s Quiz and the new quiz for this month!

Please find attached the October Parish paper here.